Showing 61 - 70 of 295
Amidst other national and global climate protection initiatives, the new EU Commission under the leadership of Ursula von der Leyen is facing the challenge of concretely following through on previous announcements regarding an ambitious climate policy. Specifically, action must be taken to raise...
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Im Kontext nationaler sowie globaler Klimaschutzinitiativen steht die neue EU-Kommission unter der Leitung von Ursula von der Leyen vor der Herausforderung, den bisherigen Ankündigungen auch konkrete Umsetzungen für eine ambitionierte Klimaschutzpolitik folgen zu lassen. Dies betrifft...
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The construction of a second Baltic Sea natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany (Nord Stream 2) is very controversial for political, energy economic, and ecological reasons. The project owner and some European energy companies argue that it is a profitable, private-sector investment project...
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Der Bau der zweiten Ostsee-Erdgaspipeline (Nord Stream 2) ist aus politischen, energiewirtschaftlichen und ökologischen Gründen sehr umstritten. Der Projektbetreiber und einige europäische Energieversorgungsunternehmen argumentieren, es handele sich um ein privatwirtschaftlich angelegtes,...
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Existing long-term energy and climate scenarios are typically a rather simple extrapolation of past trends. Both qualitative and quantitative outlooks co-exist, but they often focus narrowly on individual perspectives, which is opposed to the interlinked and complex nature of energy and climate....
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In this paper, we present a detailed and comprehensive complementarity model for computing market equilibrium values in the European natural gas system. Market players include producers and their marketing arms which we call transmitters, pipeline and storage operators, marketers, LNG...
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With its resource availability and the prospect of climate friendly technology, coal continues to play an important role in the global energy sector. We develop a complementarity model of the international market for steam coal. We want to analyze the level of competition in this market which is...
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This paper investigates the existence of market power and the sequentiality of games in the crude oil market. In particular, we examine whether Saudi Arabia acts as a Stackelberg leader or in a simultaneous-move framework, in a number of market power scenarios ranging from perfect competition to...
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This paper proposes a partial equilibrium model to describe the global crude oil market. Pricing on the global crude oil market is strongly influenced by price indices such as WTI (USA) and Brent (Northwest Europe). Adapting an approach for pool-based electricity markets, the model captures the...
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We provide the description and illustrative results of the World Gas Model, a multi-period complementarity model for the global natural gas market. Market players include producers, traders, pipeline and storage operators, LNG liquefiers and regasifiers as well as marketers. The model data set...
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