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We consider a model of an information network where nodes can fail and transmission of information is costly. The …
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This paper considers a population of agents that are engaged in a listening network. The agents wish to match their … neighbors in the network. I derive a closed expression for the (interim) social welfare loss that depends on the initial … information structure and on the possible pieces of information that can be gathered under the network. Then, I explore how …
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convergence is 1/T, regardless of the size of the network. In contrast, arbitrary n-person zero-sum games with bilinear payoff … requires a condition on bilateral payoffs or, alternatively, that the network is acyclic. Our results hold also for the …
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In this paper, we propose a game in which each player decides with whom to establish a costly connection and how much local public good is provided when benefits are shared among neighbors. We show that, when agents are homogeneous, Nash equilibrium networks are nested split graphs....
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/T , regardless of the size of the network. In contrast, arbitrary n-player zero-sum games do not possess the fictitious … underlying network structure is acyclic. The results are shown to hold also for the discrete-time variant of fictitious play …
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We consider a model of an information network where nodes can fail and transmission of information is costly. The …
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theory, although the frequency of Dumb is substantially greater than zero in the unstable treatments. -- Games ; experiments …
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We analyze subjects' eye movements while they make decisions in a series of one-shot games. The majority of them perform a partial and selective analysis of the payoff matrix, often ignoring the payoffs of the opponent and/or paying attention only to specific cells. Our results suggest that...
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In a recent paper, Jäger, Metzger, and Riedel (2011) study communication games of common interest when signals are simple and types complex. They characterize strict Nash equilibria as so-called Voronoi languages that consist of Voronoi tesselations of the type set and Bayesian estimators on...
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