Showing 261 - 270 of 304
OECD’s Producer Support Estimate (PSE) is the only available source of internationally comparable information on support levels in agriculture. It attracts much attention and receives wide media coverage, not the least in reports that are critical of the way some agricultural policies are...
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Die seit einiger Zeit einsetzenden Preissteigerungen für Getreide, Milch und Milcherzeugnisse verunsichern die Verbraucher, waren Nahrungsmittelpreise doch über Jahrzehnte stabil. Welche Entwicklungen haben zu den Preisanhebungen geführt? Für Stefan Tangermann, OECD, sind die Märkte für...
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The EU recently completed negotiating a series of Association Agreements with Mediterranean countries. Trade preferences for agricultural goods granted under these Agreements, as well as under former arrangements, are analyzed by calculating the value of preference margins at several stages in...
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Potential accession of a number of eastern and central European countries into the European Union (EU) seems destined to lead to further reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The financial costs of absorbing these countries may be extreme. This report documents the modeling framework...
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The Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture has fundamentally changed the rules for international agricultural trade, and established quantitative constraints for agricultural policies of all WTO members. Although countries have tried to escape the new disciplines here and there, overall there...
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This paper was presented at the INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SYMPOSIUM in Auckland, New Zealand, January 18-19, 2001. The Symposium was sponsored by: the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, the Venture Trust, Massey University, New Zealand, and the Centre for...
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Contact for this paper: Stefan Tangermann, Institute of Agricultural Economics, University of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany. Among the many new achievements made in the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations, the ambitious and wide-ranging Agreement on Agriculture (The Agreement) was a significant...
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Trade policy has been one of the most important issues in agricultural economics for more than 200 years. Our focus here is on evaluating relatively recent contributions to the understanding of agricultural trade policy and trade agreements. We present some background concerning trade policies...
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