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We study a coordination game among agents on a network, who choose whether or not to take an action in an uncertain … coordination set if and only if the network is balanced, i.e., the average degree of each subnetwork is no larger than the average … degree of the network. Comparative statics exercises as well as welfare properties are investigated. In particular, we show …
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network structure and we examine equilibrium selection. Specifically, actions are either strategic substitutes or strategic … complements, and participants have either complete or incomplete information about the structure of a random network. Since … networks, such as connectivity, clustering, and the degree of the players, help to predict informed behavior in the lab. People …
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To study how economic fundamentals affect the formation of social networks, a model is needed that (i) has agents … to network formation in order to develop such a model. Agents spend costly resources to socialize. Their effort levels … friends is low, equilibrium networks can be either sparse or thick. But as soon as this value crosses a key threshold, the …
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This paper analyses a simultaneous game of network formation and information acquisition where the benefit structure is … such that the benefit that an agent derives from the network she is located in depends on the maximum information that … someone in her neighbourhood, including herself, acquires. It turns out that in equilibrium star network emerges as the unique …
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spread. Previously developed frameworks capture local social influence using network games, but discard local correlation in … players' strategies. This paper develops a network games framework that allows for local correlation in players' strategies by … equilibrium outcomes on network clustering — the probability that two individuals with a mutual neighbor are connected to each …
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Consider a population of n players playing a variant of Myerson's network formation model. Each player simultaneously … call the outcome of the network formation model a k-uniform Myerson graph and study the distribution of matchings on such …
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This paper introduces a model of endogenous network formation and systemic risk. In it, agents form networks that … generate higher interconnectedness, which in turn leads to higher systemic risk. Third, the structure of the network formed … shocks are perfectly correlated, the network formed is a complete graph, i.e., a link between every pair of agents. This …
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This paper examines network formation among a connected population with a preference for conformity and leadership …. Agents build stable personal relationships to achieve coordinated actions. The network serves as a repository of collective … reveals how behavioral tendencies impact network formation and identifies locally stable disequilibrium structures …
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This paper studies strategic savings and free-riding behaviours among ex- ante vulnerable firms in a fixed debt network … under linear and quadratic default punishment structures. We specifically pay attention to networks without ex-ante default …
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