Showing 14,621 - 14,630 of 14,684
LSE Housing held two workshops in June 2008 to explore how to retrofit the existing stock. The workshops specifically looked at demonstrating the links between neighbourhood renewal, social cohesion and energy conservation. Participants included managers of existing homes, regeneration...
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Subjective well-being is essential for both quality of life and a healthy society. Studies have shown that satisfied people have better relationships, are more productive, and have a longer life expectancy. General life satisfaction is being discussed as an alternative measure of prosperity...
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We study optimal climate policy in a global economy where regions differ in wealth and climate vulnerability. Carbon emissions from production lead to output losses, and there is a technology for emissions absorption. We provide an aggregation result: the model with heterogeneity can be cast...
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Can inequality in rewards result in an erosion in broad-based support for meritocratic norms? We hypothesize that unequal rewards between the successful and the rest, drives a cognitive gap in their meritocratic beliefs, and hence their social preferences for redistribution. Two separate...
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This study investigates men's attitudes toward women's education in Afghanistan, focusing on primary, secondary, and tertiary levels, as well as studying in another province or abroad, through the lens of identity theory and the intra-household bargaining framework. We use data from Afghan...
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Support for redistribution depends on whether inequality stems from differences in performance or luck, but different sources of luck may impact redistribution differentially. We elicit redistribution decisions from a U.S.-representative sample who observe worker earnings and whether luck...
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Gender inequality and discrimination still persist, even though the gender gap in the labor market has been gradually decreasing. This study examines the effect of the #MeToo movement on judges' gender gap in their vital labor market outcome–judicial decisions on randomly assigned legal cases...
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In this paper, we study the impact of contractionary monetary policies on income and wealth inequality. By developing an Agent Based-Stock Flow Consistent model, we show that both the sign and magnitude of monetary policy impacts depend on the heterogeneity characterizing income sources across...
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Basierend auf Auswertungen repräsentativer Umfragedaten zeigt dieser Wochenbericht, dass sich Frauen und Männer in ihren Erwartungen über Lohnentwicklungen deutlich unterscheiden, vor allem bezüglich ihrer langfristigen Erwartungen (über zehn Jahre). Die stärksten geschlechtsspezifischen...
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Unabhängig davon, ob der Grundrenten-Beschluss der Koalitionsparteien tatsächlich umgesetzt wird, ist er von Interesse, da die Diskussion über die noch offene Finanzierung der geplanten Grundrente auf die grundsätzliche Frage verweist, welche Risiken die Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung...
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