Showing 61 - 70 of 154
During capital control episodes, large price deviations between American Depositary Receipts (ADR) and their underlying stocks signal that a currency crisis is about to occur. We interpret this price spread as the price of a call option. Using option pricing theory we derive detailed information...
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We explore the dependency between currency crises and the stock market in emerging economies. Our focus is two-fold. First, the risk of a currency crisis rises as the foreign stake in the domestic stock market increases. Successful economies with high capital flows into their booming stock...
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I test whether more investor attention leads to a better exploitation of arbitrage opportunities and, in turn, to less mispricing of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs). Using data on 536 stocks I find that more investor attention significantly reduces ADR mispricing.
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We investigate whether the ECB aligns its monetary policy with financial crisis risk in EMU member countries. We find that since the outbreak of the subprime crisis the ECB has significantly increased net lending and reduced interest rates when banking and sovereign debt crisis risk in...
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We analyse the impact that political business cycles and party preferences have on smuggling illegal goods across the US--Mexico border during the years 1980--2004. We find that smuggling is significantly reduced prior to Congressional elections -- but only if the incumbent President is Republican.
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I study the impact of financial crisis risk in the eurozone on the euro/US dollar exchange rate. Using daily data from 3 July 2006 to 30 September 2010, I find that the euro depreciates against the US dollar when banking or sovereign debt crisis risk increases in the eurozone. While the external...
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We use a compound option-based structural credit risk model to infer a term structure of banking crisis risk from market data on bank stocks in daily frequency. Considering debt service payments with different maturities this term structure assigns a separate estimator for short- and long-term...
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We isolate the direct bank-to-sovereign distress channel within the Eurozone's sovereignbank-loop by exploiting the global, non-Eurozone related variation in stock prices. We instrument banking sector stock returns in the Eurozone with exposure-weighted stock market returns from non-Eurozone...
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Die Ankündigung des Social-Media-Giganten Facebook, eine neue »Weltwährung« mit dem Blockchain-basierten Zahlungssystem Libra einführen zu wollen, löste international kontroverse Diskussionen über Vor- und Nachteile von Kryptowährungen aus. Die Reaktionen reichten von Begeisterung über...
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