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Within a New Zealand business cycle context, we assess whether Hamilton's (H84) OLS regression methodology produces stylised business cycle facts which are materially different from HP1600 measures, and whether using the H84 predictor and other forecast extensions improves the HP filter's...
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Yitzhaki (1996) showed that the OLS estimator of the slope coefficient in a simple regression is a weighted average of the slopes delineated by adjacent observations. The weights depend only on the distribution of the independent variable. In this paper I demonstrate that equal weights can only...
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This paper considers estimation situations where identification, endogeneity and non-spherical regression error problems are present. Instead of always using GMM despite weak instruments to solve the endogeneity, it is possible to first check whether endogeneity is serious enough to cause...
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measurement, and it has become standard practice to construct income measures to mitigate these. However, remaining bias can lead … literature. We show with theory and simulations that even using a 30-year income average can result in a small positive spurious … grandfather coefficient estimate. We further propose an IV approach, showing that it is not susceptible to this spillover bias in …
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Identifying risk spillovers in financial markets is of great importance for assessing systemic risk and portfolio management. Granger causality in tail (or in risk) tests whether past extreme events of a time series help predicting future extreme events of another time series. The topology and...
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This paper establishes nonparametric identification of individual treatment effects in a nonseparable model with a binary endogenous regressor. The outcome variable may be continuous, discrete, or a mixture of both, while the instrumental variable can take binary values. First, we study the case...
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The assumption that the assignment to treatments is ignorable conditional on attributes plays an important role in the applied statistic and econometric evaluation literature. Another term for it is conditional independence assumption. This paper discusses identification when there are more than...
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This paper analyzes the identifying power of weak convexity assumptions in treatment effect models with endogenous selection. The counterfactual distributions are constrained either in terms of the response function, or conditional on the realized treatment, and sharp bounds on the potential...
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