Showing 171 - 180 of 101,830
Many statistical and econometric learning methods rely on Bayesian ideas, often applied or reinterpreted in a frequentist setting. Two leading examples are shrinkage estimators and model averaging estimators, such as weighted-average least squares (WALS). In many instances, the accuracy of these...
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In many macroeconomic applications, impulse responses and their (bootstrap) confidence intervals are constructed by estimating a VAR model in levels - thus ignoring uncertainty regarding the true (unknown) cointegration rank. While it is well known that using a wrong cointegration rank leads to...
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The strategy frequency estimation method (Dal B´o and Fr´echette, 2011) allows us to estimate the fraction of subjects playing each of a list of strategies in an infinitely repeated game. Currently, this method assumes that subjects tremble with the same probability. This paper extends this...
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Quantiles of probability distributions play a central role in the definition of risk measures (e.g., value-at-risk, conditional tail expectation) which in turn are used to capture the riskiness of the distribution tail. Estimates of risk measures are needed in many practical situations such as...
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We provide a generalization of the Anderson-Rubin (AR) procedure for inference on parameters which represent the dependence between possibly endogenous explanatory variables and disturbances in a linear structural equation (endogeneity parameters). We focus on second-order dependence and stress...
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This paper investigates the effect of the nonzero autocorrelation coefficients on the sampling distributions of the Durbin-Watson test estimator in three time-series models that have different variance-covariance matrix assumption, separately. We show that the expected values and variances of...
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Specification tests are developed for the conditional distribution of a dependent process {X<sub>i</sub>} in a family of nonlinear time-series models. The family includes several Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroscedastic [GARCH] models that are widely used in finance and economics. Such tests...
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This paper studies the properties of the Bayesian approach to estimation and comparison of dynamic equilibrium economies. Both tasks can be performed even if the models are nonnested, misspecified, and nonlinear. First, we show that Bayesian methods have a classical interpretation:...
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In this paper, we consider a robust method of estimating a realized covariance matrix calculated as the sum of cross products of intraday high-frequency returns. According to recent papers in financial econometrics, the realized covariance matrix is essentially contaminated with market...
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We propose a general test for exogeneity that is robust against distributional misspecification. The test can also be used to identify other types of misspecifications, such as the presence of a random coefficient. The idea is to sort the data with respect to a variable (a sorting score) and...
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