Showing 26,471 - 26,480 of 31,693
It is common for mentorship programs to use race, gender, and nationality to match mentors and mentees. Despite the popularity of these programs, there is little evidence on whether mentees value mentors with shared traits. Using novel administrative data from an online college mentoring...
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We experimentally test Kőszegi and Rabin's (2006, 2007) theory of reference-dependent preferences in the context of price expectations. In an incentivised valuation task, participants are endowed with a mug and provide their willingness to accept (WTA) to sell it. We manipulate the sale price...
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Jeden Tag treffen Individuen unterschiedliche Entscheidungen, die ihre individuellen und sozialen Präferenzen widerspiegeln. Bis vor nicht allzu langer Zeit standen die individuellen Präferenzen im Mittelpunkt der ökonomischen Theorie. Jetzt werden auch soziale Präferenzen bei der...
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We provide an experimental test of theories to explain differences in redistribution preferences across countries. We involved participants in standardized situations of redistribution in four Western countries, varying the relevance of self-interest and uncertainty over initial earnings. Demand...
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