Showing 91 - 100 of 203
Economic theory suggests both positive and negative relationships between intra- firm wage inequality and productivity. This paper contributes to the growing empirical literature on this subject. We combine German employer-employee-data for the years 1995-2005 with inequality measures using the...
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This paper investigates the gender wage gap among skilled German workers after the end of vocational training using data from social security record. Using information on worker and plant characteristics for both the training plant and the current employer, results from standard decomposition...
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We use a unique rich newly built data set for German manufacturing enterprises to investigate the relationship between product diversification and the stability of sales and employment. We find that contrary to portfolio theoretic considerations more diversified firms exhibit a higher...
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Die vorliegende Längsschnittuntersuchung der BA-geförderten Gründungskohorte des zweiten Halbjahres 2003 im Agenturbezirk Uelzen vergleicht mittels einer schriftlichen Befragung drei Jahre nach Gründungsbeginn schwerpunktmäßig ÜG- und ExGZ-Gründungen hinsichtlich erfolgsbezogener...
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This paper investigates whether high regional crime levels lead to a compensating wage differential paid by firms in the respective region. Using data from German social security records and official police statistics for 2003 to 2006, we consider both violent and non-violent crimes and use...
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We use a unique rich newly built data set for German manufacturing enterprises to investigate the product differentiation – firm performance relationship. We find that an increase in the degree of product diversification has a negative impact on profitability when observed and unobserved firm...
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This paper examines whether the attacks on theWorld Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001 have influenced the job prospects of persons from predominantly Muslim countries in the German labor market. The paper uses a large, representative database of the German working population...
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Non scholae, sed vitae discimus! - The importance of fields of study for the gender wage gap among German university graduates during labor market entry and the first years of their careers by Nils Braakmann ...
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