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earnings mobility varies significantly across countries; Education is a major contributor to intergenerational income mobility … outcomes; Early and sustained investment in children and families can help. …
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specific knowledge of what it is about family background that really matters. Studies on intergenerational income mobility show … that parental income matters to some extent, but they also show that more than half of the family background and community …Sibling correlations are used as overall measures of the impact of family background and community influences on …
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underlying mechanisms of the intergenerational income mobility. By applying descriptive and structural decomposition methods, we … estimate the relative importance of the transmission of financial resources and endowments within a family. Although the … instrumenting the transmission channels. Whereas a family’s financial resources and endowments almost equally contribute to the …
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We estimate intergenerational elasticities (IGE) of housing consumption and income in the US. Using surnames to link … 1940 and 2015, we estimate a one-generation housing-consumption IGE of 0.73, higher than that of income at 0.52. Housing … consumption IGE is higher for White compared to Black Americans and higher in the Northeast, patterns that contrast with income …
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correlated across family members, in particular between brothers. Extensions of the model show a distinctive effect of mothers …
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correlation of permanent earnings into family and community effects allowing for life-cycle dynamics; finding that family is the … share of the sibling correlation of earnings early in the working life, but its importance diminishes over time and becomes …
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We investigate the intergenerational effect of parental health shocks on the fertility choices of adult children in … Matching (PSM). Our findings indicate that parental health shocks significantly postpone the reproductive age of adult children … and reduce their likelihood of having more children than they originally planned. We also find persistent differences in …
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We estimate the intergenerational elasticity (IGE) of income for the Netherlands using complete population data for … around 177,000 28-year olds. We find that IGEs are much lower when actual individual income data are used rather than proxies … or aggregates for income. Though low, daughters' IGEs are higher than sons' indicating lower income mobility for women. …
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: the importance of family and community background in Germany is higher than in Denmark and comparable to that in the US … earnings in Germany and to provide a cross-country comparison of Germany, Denmark, and the US. The main findings are as follows …. This holds true for brothers and sisters. In Denmark 20 percent of the inequality in permanent earnings can be attributed …
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