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regARIMA module of Census X-12-ARIMA or Bank of Spain TRAMO-SEATS. SEATS consists of extracting the components by an ARIMA … compatible with the ARIMA model for the corrected time series. The underlying theory of the SEATS program is studied in many … papers but there is no complete and systematic description of its output. Our purpose is to examine SEATS text output and to …
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Many economic time series exhibit important systematic fluctuations within the year, i.e. seasonality. Differently from usual practice, we argue that using original data should always be considered, although their process is more complicated than that of seasonally adjusted data. Motivations to...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for timely and granular information to assess the state of the economy in real time. Weekly and daily indices have been constructed using higher frequency data to address this need. Yet the seasonal and calendar adjustment of the underlying time...
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under the TRAMO-SEATS framework. The purpose of the analysis is not to compare alternative methods, but to show how the …
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revision of seasonally adjusted data. Seasonal adjustment is semi-automatic when the commonly used software package, TRAMO-SEATS …
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under the TRAMO-SEATS framework. The purpose of the analysis is not to compare alternative methods, but to show how the …
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The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for timely and granular information to assess the state of the economy in real time. Weekly and daily indices have been constructed using higher frequency data to address this need. Yet the seasonal and calendar adjustment of the underlying time...
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Using Gretl, I apply ARMA, Vector ARMA, VAR, state-space model with a Kalman filter, transfer-function and intervention models, unit root tests, cointegration test, volatility models (ARCH, GARCH, ARCH-M, GARCH-M, Taylor-Schwert GARCH, GJR, TARCH, NARCH, APARCH, EGARCH) to analyze quarterly time...
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This is an exploratory study that attempts to identify and provide empirical evidence on the possible determinants of the market capitalisation of the Harare Stock Exchange (HSE) with the view of understanding the development prospects of the HSE and other similar markets. The study used...
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In this paper, we try to analyze the possible reasons behind food price hike. The motivation of doing this project is to see the probable reasons, which impact “common people” of India to the utmost extent. We concentrate mainly on the supply side, distribution aspects and the demand side....
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