Showing 10,141 - 10,150 of 10,840
I provide two simple sufficient conditions under which the Pareto frontier of the Nash equilibrium set is coalition-proof. My first condition states there exists a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium which Pareto dominates all other serially undominated strategies. Under this condition, the...
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This paper studies games with both strategic substitutes and strategic complements, and more generally, games with strategic heterogeneity (GSH). Such games may behave differently from either games with strategic complements or games with strategic substitutes. Under mild assumptions (on one or...
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extending the result by Gopalakrishnan et al. (2016) to our setting. Comparing settings where queue stability is enforceable … highlights the criticality of the enforceability of system stability on equilibrium outcomes …
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We study a global game in which actions are strategic complements over some region and strategic substitutes over another region. An agent's payoff depends on a market fundamental and the actions of other agents. If the degree of congestion is sufficiently large, agents' strategies are...
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We study games with strategic complementarities, arbitrary numbers of players and actions, and slightly noisy payoff signals. We prove limit uniqueness: as the signal noise vanishes, the game has a unique strategy profile that survives iterative dominance. This generalizes a result of Carlsson...
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This paper revisits the tragedy of the commons when agents have different capabilities in both production and encroachment activities, and can allocate their time between them. Under fairly general assumptions on production and encroachment technologies, an individual's expected income is convex...
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Many suppose that democracy is an ethos which includes, inter alia, a degree of economic equality among citizens. In contrast, we conceive of democracy as ruthless political competition between groups of citizens, organized into parties. We inquire whether such competition, which we assume to be...
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It is a widely acknowledged result of the literature on international tax competition that an inefficient provision of public goods can only be avoided, if taxes are sufficiently coordinated. In this paper we use a model where governments use commodity and factor taxes in the tax competition...
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This paper investigates the effects of climate-induced rising of ocean temperature on the optimal fishing policies in a two players non-cooperative game setting. We compare reactive management, under which the manager does not believe in or know about temperature trend, with proactive management...
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This paper shows a fundamental property of vector fields representing dynamics on spaces of mixed strategies of normal form games whose zeros coincide with the Nash equilibria of the underlying games. The property shown is that the indices of components of zeros of any vector field in this class...
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