Showing 75,711 - 75,720 of 77,141
We derive a general framework for collateral risk control determination for central bank's open market operations. This framework allows us to determine the schedule of haircuts consistent with the risk tolerated by the central bank while at the same time reducing the possibility of arbitrage...
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We investigate the influence of various variables on credit default swap transaction data. Credit derivatives are arguably a superior proxy to credit risk than bond spreads. The variables considered include fixed-income as well as equity markets data. We thus provide an international analysis of...
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This paper studies the evolution of wealth shares of portfolio rules in incomplete markets with short-lived assets. Prices are determined endogenously. The performance of a portfolio rule in the process of repeated reinvestment of wealth is determined by the wealth share eventually conquered in...
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We present a regression-based generalization of the calendar time portfolio approach which allows for decomposing the risk-adjusted performance of private investors (or firms or mutual funds) into multivariate and continuous subject characteristics. Our technique remedies several well-known...
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Um die erwartete zukünftige Rendite des Portefeuillesaller Aktien eines bestimmten Kapitalmarktes zuschätzen, wird diese meist in zwei Komponenten getrennt:einen Zinssatz und den Risikozuschlag bzw.die Risikoprämie von Aktien1, wobei unter Risikozuschlagbzw. Risikoprämie die Differenz...
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Die strategische Asset Allokation ist die für den langfristigen Anlageerfolg wichtigste Entscheidungeines Kapitalanlegers. Eine fundierte Entscheidung erfordert einen mehrstufigen,strukturierten Prozess. Der Anleger muss sich mit den realistischen Chancen des Kapitalmarktesund mit seinen...
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Motivated by the different development stages of both, the venture capital (VC) as well as the life science industry in the USA and Europe, we investigate portfolio strategies of US-American and European VC firms active in this sector. We analyse portfolios of 88 VCs financing a total of 1050...
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In modern portfolio theory like that of Markowitz or Sharpe the investor follows amean/variance-rationality. Even the founders of this theory observed unsatisfactory resultsbecause of symmetrical risk measures like variance or standard deviation. Post-modern theorythen considers downside risk...
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This paper proposes a novel approach to the combination of conditional covariancematrix forecasts based on the use of the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). Itis shown how the procedure can be generalized to deal with large dimensional systemsby means of a two-step strategy. The finite sample...
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In diesem Beitrag werden die Effekte symmetrischer und differenzierender Besteuerungauf die Portfoliowahl und den Arbeitsanreiz untersucht. Hierbei wird zunächst ein Portfoliomodellmit zwei riskanten Projekten im Ein-Personen-Kontext, d.h. ohne Arbeitsanreizproblembetrachtet. Symmetrische...
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