Showing 31 - 40 of 214
Term structure models are routinely used by central banks to assess the impact of their communication on market participants' views of future interest rate developments. However, recent studies have pointed out that traditional term structure models can provide misleading indications when policy...
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We propose a portfolio selection model based on a class of monotone preferences that coincide with mean-variance preferences on their domain of monotonicity, but differ where mean-variance preferences fail to be monotone and are therefore not economically meaningful. The functional associated to...
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We study the dynamics of risk premiums on the German bond market, employing no-arbitrage term-structure models with both observable and unobservable state variables, recently popularized by Ang and Piazzesi (2003). We conduct a specification analysis based on a new canonical representation for...
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We propose a single-period portfolio selection model which allows the decision maker to easily deal with uncertainty about the distribution of asset returns. The model is preference-based and relies upon a separate parametrization of risk aversion and ambiguity aversion. A particular...
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We propose a new approach to the study of stock returns. We develop a simple model to show that, in the long run, the average rate of return on the market portfolio equals the average growth rate of income plus an average payout rate measuring the quantity of financial resources distributed or...
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We propose methods to compute confidence bands for the fundamental values of stocks and corporate bonds. These methods take into account uncertainty about future cash flows and about the discount factors used to discount the cash flows. We use them to assess the current degree of...
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We derive a canonical representation for the no-arbitrage discrete-time term structure models with both observable and unobservable state variables, popularized by Ang and Piazzesi (2003). We conduct a specification analysis based on this canonical representation and we analyze how alternative...
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We propose a general method for the Bayesian estimation of nonlinear no-arbitrage term structure models. The main innovations we introduce are: 1) a computationally efficient method, based on deep learning techniques, for approximating no-arbitrage model-implied bond yields to any desired degree...
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We conduct an empirical analysis of sovereign bond spreads for a selected number of euro area countries. We analyze several methodologies to measure and to assess the relative importance of three components of sovereign spreads: credit premia, liquidity premia and convenience yields. We find...
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We propose a structural model of two-sided matching and a semi-parametric procedure for its estimation that allow to analyze determinants of managers' compensation such as firm's and manager's quality, production technology, bargaining power and inter-temporal preferences. We use the estimated...
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