Showing 1 - 10 of 184
This working paper introduces the multiple-migration concept as a tool enabling the study of the multiple temporalities and spatialities of migration. Against a sedentarised understanding of migration, multiple migrants are people who engage in international movements repeatedly and direct this...
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This report presents the results of quantitative research that was a part of the project "In search of a theory of multiple migration. A quantitative and qualitative study of Polish migrants after 1989" (NCN: Sonata Bis funding scheme). Data was gathered with a web-questionnaire, with...
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This paper examines the issue of Polish post-accession migration to the UK. The aim of the study was to investigate potential effect of Brexit on initial motivations, strategies and future plans of Poles living in Britain. UK's decision to leave the EU made on 23 June 2016 was undoubtedly an...
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Praca poświęcona jest zagadnieniu polskich migracji poakcesyjnych do Wielkiej Brytanii i ma na celu zbadanie wpływu, jaki niedawne wydarzenia związane z Brexitem wywarły na motywacje, strategie i plany migracyjne Polaków rezydujących w Zjednoczonym Królestwie1. Decyzja Wielkiej Brytanii...
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Raport prezentuje wyniki badania ilościowego przeprowadzonego wśród migrantów wielokrotnych w ramach projektu "W poszukiwaniu teorii migracji wielokrotnych. Ilościowe i jakościowe badanie polskich migrantów po 1989 roku" (finansowan ego ze środków NCN: Sona ta Bis). Badanie zostało...
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This paper discusses the story of Mary and Roger an elderly couple who opted to buy a car, but later were pressed to sell it because they were unable to absorb the costs of insurance. The world of risks does not work in the same lines in North than South. This pieces invites the discussion to...
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Der kulturanthropologische Zugang zu Multilokalität fokussiert die Perspektive des handelnden Individuums, das zur Herstellung von sozialem Sinn sich ihm bietende Raumressourcen nutzt. In seiner theoretischen Herleitung und Ausformulierung wird der Begriff zu einem Instrument der Erfassung...
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