Showing 21 - 30 of 80
Our study examines the development of unemployment data from three strong Asian economies, China, Korea, and Japan. The focus is on the impact of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, as well as an overview of the possible solutions to combat the impact of similar future crises on the labour...
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The spread of a new and unknown viral infectious disease named the Covid-19 pandemic paralysed world without any preparation time. It has significantly changed approaches to organizational management as well as HR policy. Governments have taken immediate measures to address the challenges caused...
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The coronavirus epidemic that erupted in China in late 2019 forced the global economy into a global economic halt. Supply chains have been severed, millions of people worldwide have become unemployed or forced into inactivity as their jobs have been shut down or closed due to government...
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A Nyugat teljesen lebénult Putyin merész krími bevonulásától. Ekkor jelentkezett újra az az ismert politikai gondolat, amely szerint Oroszország Ukrajnával igazi nagyhatalom, de nélküle nem az. Oroszország háborúja Ukrajnában már több mint másfél éve folyik. Senki nem tudja...
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In the present research we deal with the questions of what responses, solutions, and practices Hungarian organisations used to mitigate the impact of the pandemic and the changes caused by it, with particular attention to the area of Human Resource Management. Do they typically view the current...
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The economic crisis caused by COVID-19 differs from previous economic crises in several ways. It is a global event that developed unexpectedly and hit the world unprepared, primarily attacking human resources, requiring strong governmental measures. The involvement of the human sphere directly...
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Over recent decades, the practice of human resource management in the transitional countries of Eastern Europe and in Hungary has changed significantly. Especially in local subsidiaries of foreign-owned companies and in the leading domestic large organizations, HRM has become a strategic...
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The pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus fundamentally shook the global and EU economy, which had very serious socio-economic consequences. The coronavirus pandemic affects everyone all over the world. After the first European diseases caused by COVID-19, the KoronaHR research group was...
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Building on theories of Corporate Sustainability, Triple Bottom Line, and Natural Resource-Based View, this study aims to predict the positive relationship between green transformational leadership, green human resource management practices, and employees' green behavior. It applies a...
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Budapesten 2001. június 1-én tartott Menedzsment Tanácsadók Európai Föderációja (FEACO) regionális konferenciáján hazai és külföldi előadók és szakemberek azt vizsgálták, milyen szerepet töltenek be a menedzsment tanácsadók a közép-kelet-európai régió életében. Az...
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