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Artikulu honek garapenaren politika ekonomiko ezberdinek, XX. mendearen erdi aldetik aurrera, garapen ekonomikoari buruz azaldu dituzten ekarpen esanguratsuenen laburpen bat aurkeztea du helburu. Horretarako,Garapenaren Teoria Ekonomikoarekin zerikusia duten paradigma ezberdinak defendatzen...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el desarrollo de servicios sanitarios en los países socios mediterráneos como hecho inclusivo a la hora de garantizar los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, la igualdad en el acceso sanitario y la contribución de los servicios sanitarios a un área...
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This paper analyses current developments in public intervention in local economies. The changing Fordist/Keynesian paradigm takes aside the dominance and hierarchy of public action and gives way to a new governance model where the public administration is one more agent among several. We take...
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The spatial polarisation of services is one of the explanations for present regional disparities. A new international division of labour based on Business Services has appeared, in which multinational firms play an important role. This paper aims to examine the repercussions of the behaviour of...
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