Showing 91 - 100 of 164
In this paper, we study the long-run wealth distribution of agents with different trading strategies in the framework of the Genoa Artificial Stock Market.The Genoa market is an agent-based simulated market able to reproduce the main stylised facts observed in financial markets, i.e., fat-tailed...
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In this paper, we propose a heterogeneous interacting agent model of a sequential monetary production economy. We use a basic dynamic flow model in an interacting agent context. The economy is assumed to be closed. There are three classes of agents: a single homogeneous representative consumer,...
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This paper introduces an agent-based artificial financial market in which heterogeneous agents trade one single asset through a realistic trading mechanism for price formation. Agents are initially endowed with a finite amount of cash and a given finite portfolio of assets. There is no...
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We introduce a multi-asset artificial financial market with finite amount of cash and number of stocks. The background trading is characterized by a random trading strategy constrained by the finiteness of resources and by market volatility. Stock price processes exhibit volatility clustering,...
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We present a double-auction artificial financial market populated by heterogeneous agents who trade one risky asset in exchange for cash. Agents issue random orders subject to budget constraints. The limit prices of orders may depend on past market volatility. Limit orders are stored in the book...
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The aim of this paper is to understand how to model industrial symbiosis networks in order to favour its implementation and provide a framework to guide companies and policy makers towards it. Industrial symbiosis is a clear example of complex adaptive systems and traditional approaches (i.e.,...
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Purpose: The measure of companies' Innovation Performance is fundamental for enhancing the value and decision-making processes of firms. The purpose of this paper is to present a new measure of Innovation Performance, called Innovation Patent Index (IPI), which makes it possible to...
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