Showing 101 - 110 of 301
This paper studies the interaction between urban spatial equilibrium and commuting congestion dynamics. We present a new monocentric city framework that combines a discrete urban space with multiple Vickrey (1969)-type bottlenecks. The model illustrates commute scheduling patterns by residents...
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Consider a principal who assigns a job with two tasks to two identical agents. Monitoring the agents' efforts is costly, therefore the principal rewards agents based on their (noisy) relative outputs. This paper addresses the question whether the principal should evaluate the outputs in each...
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We study the additive random utility model of discrete choice under minimal assumptions. We place no restrictions on the joint distribution of random utility components or the functional form of systematic utility components. Exploiting the power of convex analysis, we are nevertheless able to...
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This paper develops a semiparametric methodology for the evaluation of the distribution of the value of travel time savings (VTTS) from binary choice data. Fosgerau (2004) deals with the case of just one time component. This paper extends to the case of several time components. The methodology...
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We derive the value of reliability in the scheduling of an activity of random duration, such as travel under congested conditions. Using a simple formulation of scheduling utility, we show that the maximal expected utility is linear in the mean and standard deviation of trip duration, regardless...
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Fosgerau and Karlstrom [The value of reliability. Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 43 (8–9), pp. 813–820, 2010] presented a derivation of the value of travel time variability (VTTV) with a number of desirable properties. This definition of the VTTV depends on certain properties of the...
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We analyse Nash equilibrium in time of use of a congested facility. Users are risk averse with general concave utility. Queues are subject to varying degrees of random sorting, ranging from strict queue priority to a completely random queue. We define the key "no residual queue" property, which...
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This paper establishes that every random utility discrete choice model (RUM) has a representation that can be characterized by a choice-probability generating function (CPGF) with specific properties, and that every function with these specific properties is consistent with a RUM. The choice...
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We derive the value of reliability in the scheduling of an activity of random duration, such as travel under congested conditions. We show that the minimal expected cost is linear in the mean and standard deviation of duration, regardless of the form of the standardized distribution of...
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Standard textbook analyses of road pricing tend to assume that users are homogenous, that there is no travel time risk, and to have a view of congestion as static. The simple analysis also ignores that real pricing schemes are only rough approximations to ideal systems and that the general...
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