Showing 41 - 50 of 449
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether labour market entry via temporary work has any (persistent) effects on labour market outcomes. Design/methodology/approach: Using unique data on several cohorts of graduates from the German apprenticeship system, the authors interpret...
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The transformation pressure caused by digitalisation, decarbonisation and demographic change differs between regional labour markets, as does the potential to adapt to these changes. For structurally weak (rural) regions, high transformation pressure due to digitalisation and/or decarbonisation...
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The paper bases itself on recent theoretical writings in growth economics that emphasize the effects of both own R&D efforts and of interregional technology spillovers on regions´ productivity. We propose robust estimation techniques to evaluate the R&D spillovers across West German functional...
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A basic result of new economic geography (NEG) models is that the proximity to consumer markets impacts wages and employment within regions. The ongoing process of European integration, being targeted on the reduction of barriers to trade and factor mobility, has presumably changed relative...
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The findings of recent studies on adjustment processes suggest that regional labour markets in the EU and the US differ significantly. Low wage flexibility and limited labour mobility in European countries involve persistent unemployment differentials across regions. However, the spatial...
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We study an overlapping generations model of human capital accumulation with threshold effects using regional data for West Germany. Our basic goal is to shed light on the growth of West German regions. The paper finds that the relative income distribution appears to be stratifying into a...
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Unternehmen fällt es zunehmend schwer, Stellen zu besetzen. Dabei sind ländliche Räume aktuell offenbar stärker von Fachkräfteengpässen betroffen als städtische Räume. Umfassend analysiert wurden diese regionalen Disparitäten bislang jedoch nicht. Wir untersuchen das Ausmaß von...
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Das Wissen um Kompetenzen, die für die Ausübung eines Berufs notwendig sind, ist eine wichtige Informationsgrundlage für das Handeln verschiedener Akteur*innen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. In diesem Tabellenband stellen wir Informationen über die fachlichen und überfachlichen Kompetenzen zur...
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This study investigates the importance of global value chain (GVC) integration for local labor market outcomes in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although COVID-19 can be considered as a global crisis, there are at the same time strong geographical differences in its impact. We observe...
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