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It is shown how to construct an arbitrage-free short rate model under uncertainty about the drift and the volatility …
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We study the pricing of contracts in fixed income markets in the presence of volatility uncertainty. We consider an … arbitrage-free bond market under volatility uncertainty. The uncertainty about the volatility is modeled by a G-Brownian motion … traditional models with the highest and lowest possible volatility. Due to these pricing formulas, the model naturally exhibits …
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the slope and volatility of LIBOR rates, and mortgage markets activities have strong impacts on the shape of the forward …, respectively. Our results provide nonparametric evidence of unspanned stochastic volatility and suggest that the unspanned factors …
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dynamics has a linear volatility function. In this paper, the model is extended to quadratic volatility functions which are the …
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Over the last decade, dividends have become a standalone asset class instead of a mere side product of an equity investment. We introduce a framework based on polynomial jump-diffusions to jointly price the term structures of dividends and interest rates. Prices for dividend futures, bonds, and...
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This paper demonstrates how to value American interest rate options under the jump extended constant-elasticity-of-variance (CEV) models. We consider both exponential jumps (see Duffie, Pan, and Singleton (2000)) and lognormal jumps (see Johannes (2004)) in the short rate process. We show how to...
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We consider minimal variance hedging in a pure-jump multi-curve interest rate model. In the first part, we derive arithmetic multi-factor martingale representations for the spread, OIS and LIBOR rate which are bounded from below by a real-valued constant. In the second part, we investigate...
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