Showing 421 - 430 of 20,405
An analytical framework predicts that, in response to an exogenous increase in resource based government revenue, a benevolent government will partially substitute away from taxing income, increase spending and save. Forty-two years of U.S. state-level data are consistent with this theory....
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In times of crisis and uncertainty the countries look for solutions that will protect tax revenues from tax base erosion. In attempts of increasing the level of tax collection they try to fight tax avoidance and tax evasion. Among the difficult challenges faced by governments, there are also...
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Under current law, the deficit will decrease to $492 billion in 2014, CBO projects, as revenues continue rebounding from their low in the recession. But beginning in 2016, deficits will rise again—largely because of an aging population, rising health care costs, an expansion of federal...
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This paper identifies tax policy that both speeds recovery from the current economic crisis and contributes to long-run growth. This is a challenge because short-term recovery requires increases in demand while long-term growth requires increases in supply. As short-term tax concessions can be...
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We investigate the dynamic effects of five different fiscal shocks on the US economy using a structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model that uses Blanchard-Quah type restrictions. We find that an increase in indirect taxes or in corporate taxes has a contractionary effect on the economy,...
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The 1980s witnessed a number of important shifts in fiscal policy in both the developed and the developing world. These reforms were carried out in response to such growing pressures as the debt crisis, which were hampering the basic operation of taxation and its overall performance in terms of...
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Der Abbau der kalten Progression wird aktuell wieder diskutiert. An einigen Eckwerten des Einkommensteuertarifs lässt sich zeigen, dass die tatsächliche Entwicklung deutlich von den zum Ausgleich der Inflation erforderlichen Tarifänderungen abweicht. Die Autoren berechnen die Mindereinnahmen...
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Zunehmend stehen die Bundesländer in der Kritik, ihrer Aufgabe des Steuervollzugs nur unzureichend nachzukommen. Als Ursache wird angeführt, dass es an finanziellen Anreizen fehle: Die Bundesländer müssen die Personalkosten tragen, dürften infolge des Länderfinanzausgleichs jedoch nur...
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This paper reviews the key issues concerning the impact of public spending and taxation on long-run growth and inequality and takes stock of existing theoretical and empirical studies. Overall, the evidence highlights that the size of the government matters for long-term growth as a too large...
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Due to its overwhelming significance among taxes on earnings in the agricultural and forestry sector, the analyses are primarily concentrated on the international comparison of effective income tax burden in the selected EU Member States as well as Canada, the United States and Japan. In this...
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