Showing 1 - 10 of 128
How does aid coordination work within the United Nations, and how can it be improved? This study examines the role of resident coordinators – normally the UN’s highest ranking official on the ground – in forging coherence among the three dozen organisations that together form the UN...
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Since 2007, the UN development system has experimented with new approaches to enhance its coherence, efficiency and effectiveness in eight pilot countries. Similar to other international processes aiming to increase the effectiveness of aid and development policy through coordination, the...
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In December 2012, the OECD's Development Assistance Committee (DAC) celebrated 50 years of reviewing its members' development cooperation. The reviews form part of the DAC's initial mandate, which called for an increase in resources for development, an improvement in their effectiveness and...
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2014 will be an important milestone for shaping the policy field of development cooperation in a post-2015 context. Two central events are taking place. The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation(GPEDC) will convene for its first High-Level Meeting in April 2014 in Mexico City....
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With public budgets being increasingly stretched and people becoming more and more sceptical about aid effectiveness, bilateral and multilateral donor organisations are under growing pressure to justify their existence. In order to provide accountability to taxpayers in donor countries, an...
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Die Finanzierung der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit der Vereinten Nationen (VN-EZ) ist einem grundsätzlichen Wandel unterworfen, in dessen Folge der multilaterale Charakter der VN-EZ sukzessive verloren zu gehen droht. Zwei Trends sind für die letzten 15 Jahre kennzeichnend: Zum einen haben die...
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Im Dezember 2012 hat der Ausschuss für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) der OECD, das Development Assistance Committee ( DAC), das 50-jährige Bestehen der entwicklungspolitischen Länderprüfungen (Peer Reviews) seiner Mitglieder gefeiert. Die Prüfungen wurden bereits im Gründungsmandat des...
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Bi- und multilaterale Geberorganisationen sehen sich in Zeiten stetig knapper werdender öffentlicher Haushalte und aufgrund einer wachsenden Skepsis hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) einem immer stärkeren Legitimationsdruck ausgesetzt. Um gegenüber Steuerzahlern...
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Development cooperation has to be visible to ensure domestic political support. This explains the frequent calls for greater visibility at the headquarters level of aid agencies. However, effective development cooperation is not compatible with every form of visibility. Actions geared toward...
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This study - commissioned by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) – evaluates the direct effects (i.e. the direct and induced outputs) of budget support in Zambia. It forms part of a joint international evaluation of budget support in Zambia. The report focuses on...
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