Showing 1 - 10 of 18
"Refugees and displaced people are increasingly moving to cities around the world, seeking out the social, economic, and political opportunity that urban areas provide. Against this backdrop digital technologies are fundamentally changing how refugees and displaced people engage with urban...
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Increasing global access to digital technologies is creating opportunities and challenges for donors and the humanitarian agencies with which they work to support people fleeing from war, massive human rights abuses and other emergencies. Digital tools make it easier for refugees to reach out to...
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Many view development co-operation as a key to reducing irregular migration from sub-Saharan Africa. However, critics note that increased socio-economic development is likely to lead to more, rather than less, migration. Historical and cross-country comparison studies have shown that emigration...
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Viele sehen in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit einen Schlüssel zur Reduzierung der irregulären Zuwanderung aus Subsahara-Afrika. Doch Kritiker wenden ein, mehr sozio-ökonomische Entwicklung führe erfahrungsgemäß nicht zu weniger, sondern zu mehr Migration. Tatsächlich haben historische und...
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Der verbesserte globale Zugang zu digitalen Technologien schafft Chancen aber auch Herausforderungen für Geber und die Hilfsorganisationen, mit denen sie im Rahmen der Unterstützung von Menschen auf der Flucht vor Kriegen, massiven Menschenrechtsverletzungen und anderen Notsituationen...
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As increased migration, particularly to urban centres, and digitalisation play a greater role in development cooperation, more research on how these phenomena interact will become critical. Information communication technologies (ICTs) offer pathways for potentially making it easier for migrants...
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This report examines how forcibly displaced persons use information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Kenya. Focusing on the role and potential of ICT with regard to mobility and inclusion, this paper studies the needs of forcibly displaced persons and seeks to understand how technology...
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Bei den deutschen und europäischen Bemühungen, die irreguläre Zuwanderung vor allem aus Subsahara-Afrika zu verringern, ruhen große Hoffnungen auf der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Sie soll helfen, möglichst viele Ursachen für solche Wanderungen zu beseitigen. In allen einschlägigen...
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German and European efforts to reduce irregular migration, particularly from sub-Saharan Africa, place a great emphasis on development co-operation. The aim is for this to eliminate as many causes of such migration as possible. This raises questions concerning the interrelation of development...
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This policy brief outlines how feminist development policy can be locally enacted by taking an intersectional approach to the provision of assistance to refugees and displaced persons. Refugee-led organisations (RLOs) play a key role in providing collective services, particularly in contexts...
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