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The aim of the article is to examine the degree of the long-run interest rate convergence in the context of Poland's joining the EMU. In this perspective, it is frequently argued that the expectations of Poland's participation in the EMU should manifest themselves in long-run interest rate...
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Można przyjąć, iż wraz z zacieśniającą się współpracą ekonomiczną i finansową będzie się pogłębiał proces konwergencji gospodarczej między krajami strefy euro a pozostałymi członkami Unii Europejskiej. Oczekiwać można zatem zarówno coraz silniejszej synchronizacji cykli...
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The aim of the article is to examine the actual degree of Polish monetary policy independence in the context of joining the Eurozone. It is frequently argued that the main cost of the participation in the EMU, or in any other common currency area, is the loss of monetary policy independence. In...
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The article discusses the monetary policy in small open economies with inflation targeting and their nominal convergence to the larger monetary area. Using panel data set, the paper considers the relationship between interest rates of interbank markets in the euro area and selected Central...
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During the financial crisis a notion that the Polish exchange rate is not determined effectively was very dominant, because of a contagion effect of the global financial crisis on the Polish economy. In addition, many foreign exchange market analysts explained developments in the Polish exchange...
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