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In this article, we quantitatively analyze changes in the size distribution of municipal jurisdictions in Japan by using their rank-size distribution to capture the change. In Japan, the central government sometimes enacts large-scale municipal mergers, aimed at the creating of municipalities of...
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The economic crisis has affected the EU regions very differently over the last five years, depending on the region's strengths or weaknesses, its sectoral structure and the response of national and regional governments. In some countries, downturns can lead to narrower interregional disparities,...
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Rural areas still play a major role within the EU, as Europe is still a fairly rural continent. Moreover, EU rural areas are going through greater challenges and major transformations. After the Eastern enlargements of the EU (in 2004 and 2007), they are getting more and more heterogeneous, in...
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A major objective of this study is to analyse the evolutionary patterns of regional linkages and disparities across the EU space, especially those related to rural and peripheral/remote regions. In particular, this report assesses the economy-wide effects, in terms of GDP and employment,...
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Türkiye'nin doğu ve batı bölgeleri arasında kişi başına gelir düzeyi açısından doğu aleyhine önemli bir farklılık vardır. Bu durum doğudan batıya doğru göçe yol açmakta ve gelişmiş yörelerde başta çarpık kentleşme ve asayiş olmak üzere önemli sorunlara neden...
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Die regionale Wirtschaftskraft der 402 Kreise Deutschlands, gemessen an ihrer Bruttowertschöpfung pro Kopf, ist 2014 deutlich gleicher als 2000 verteilt. Das gilt auch für die 1 300 Regionen der EU – wobei allerdings innerhalb der alten EU-15-Staaten ein Anstieg der regionalen Ungleichheit...
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Economic growth is one of the ultimate goals of any economic system. The relationship between the development of the regions and economic growth of the state is a subject of long-time debates. The regional development is influenced by many factors that act differently depending on the region....
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The additionality principle says that the funds of the European Union should not replace, but be an addition to national regional policy funds. The benchmark for the co-funding is that the EU bears 50% of total costs associated with regional projects eligible for EU support. In some regions,...
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Olympic Games may have impacts on income and employment in the host city, but no ex post study has been carried out for European Olympic host cities to date. The present study closes this gap using the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. The data period examined in this study allows for analysis of...
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The EU's cohesion policy should now be confluent with the goals of the Lisbon strategy by promoting growth and employment. In this context, the promotion of a concept called regional innovation system has recently become important in the EU for guaranteeing long-term regional economic growth....
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