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This paper derives Bayesian equilibria under general conditions for a broad family of sealed-bid combinatorial auction formats under incomplete information. Equilibria are constructed by linking an equilibrium of the combinatorial auction format to an equilibrium of its single-unit version,...
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We find new equilibria of minimum-revenue core-selecting (MRCS) auctions that, in contrast to previously identified equilibria, involve overbidding - bidding more than one's true value for some packages of goods. With full information, every MRCS auction in every possible setting has equilibria...
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We analyze a model of Internet auctions. Sellers each offer one item of a heterogeneous good to bidders who have unit-demand preferences. Items are sold in second-price proxy auctions. We derive a perfect Bayesian (epsilon-) equilibrium. Our experimental findings support the theoretical results....
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This paper discusses a capacity-based redispatch mechanism in which awarded market participants are compensated for their availability for redispatch, rather than activation. The rationale is to develop a market design that prevents so-called 'inc-dec gaming' when including flexible consumers...
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Auctions with endogenous rationing have been introduced to stimulate competition. Such (procurement) auctions reduce the volume put out to tender when competition is low. This paper finds a strong negative effect of endogenous rationing on participation when bid-preparation is costly,...
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We investigate whether revenue-maximizing auctioneers selling heterogeneous items will allow for combinatorial bidding in the presence of auctioneer competition. We compare the choice of auction format by two competing auctioneers with that of a single auctioneer. Bidders are heterogeneous in...
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This paper proposes a game-theoretic model to analyze the strategic behavior of inc-dec gaming in market-based congestion management (redispatch). We extend existing models by considering incomplete information about competitors' costs and a finite set of providers. We find that these extensions...
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Das Jahr 2021 hat in Deutschland neuen Schwung in die Bemühungen zum Klimaschutz gebracht. Die Novelle des Klimaschutzgesetzes schreibt eine Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen um 65 % bis zum Jahr 2030 gegenüber 1990 fest. Maßgeblich dazu beitragen soll ein massiver Ausbau der...
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In verschiedenen Ländern wie z.B. Deutschland und Frankreich wurde in den jüngsten Ausschreibungsrunden für den Bau neuer Windenergieanlagen an Land die Ausschreibungsmenge von der Angebotsmenge nicht oder nur knapp überschritten. Diese Entwicklung in Verbindung mit geplanten...
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Das Potenzial der Tafeln wird aufgrund einer ineffizienten Lebensmittelverteilung noch nicht vollständig ausgeschöpft. In unserem Projekt mit Tafel Deutschland e. V. zeigen wir, wie die Ausgabestellen die Fortschritte in der Digitalisierung nutzen können, um die Verteilung von...
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