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This paper examines the link between real exchange rate volatility and domestic investment by using panel data … cointegration techniques. We study the empirical connection between real effective exchange rate volatility and investment for 51 … exchange rate volatility predicts that the effects of exchange rate uncertainty on profits are ambiguous. The empirical results …
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to monitor exchangerate risks, and be prepared to mitigate exchange rate volatility stemming fromforeign exchange market …
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The interconnected issues of commodity price fluctuation, unemployment and balance of trade developments are of critical importance in times of globalization. The present paper addresses these issues in terms of a monetary dependent economy macro model that applies to a large class of emerging...
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Empirical relationships between crude oil prices and exchange rates of oil exporting countries tend to vary over time. I use econometric models of the norwegian and canadian nominal exchange rates to investigate whether such time-variation could reflect shifts in the key oil price drivers over...
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This study explores the impact of commodity price volatility on external debt accumulation under fixed, managed, and … commodity price volatility increases external debt accumulation for commodity-exporting countries. This impact is three … exchange regimes, the effect of commodity price volatility on external debt is statistically insignificant. Our results suggest …
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This paper assesses the financial channel of exchange rate fluctuations for emerging countries and the link to the conventional trade channel. We analyze whether the effective exchange rate affects GDP growth, the domestic credit and the global liquidity measure as the credit in foreign...
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A stylized fact of the transition process is an early profound exchange rate depreciation followed by continuing real appreciation. Absent historical reference points, it is difficult to judge whether the real appreciation is threatening competitiveness. This paper interprets the stylized facts...
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This study investigates the impacts of public expenditure innovations on exchange rate volatility in South Africa using … that public expenditure innovation has a significant depreciating trend impact on exchange rate volatility, and its impact … volatility does not rely on the direction of the innovation, it varies according to the state of the economy. Public expenditure …
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This study investigates the effect of real exchange rate volatility on the distribution of income between labour and … exchange rate volatility is negative. Moreover, high exchange rate volatility impacts negatively on labour's income share …, while low exchange rate volatility impacts positively on labour income. As the magnitude of the effect of high exchange rate …
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