Showing 421 - 430 of 521
We derive closed-form expressions for the Jacobian of the matrix exponential function for both diagonalizable and defective matrices. The results are applied to two cases of interest in macroeconometrics: a continuous-time macro model and the parametrization of rotation matrices governing...
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Portfolio and stochastic discount factor (SDF) frontiers are usually regarded as dual objects, and researchers sometimes use one to answer questions about the other. However, the introduction of conditioning information and active portfolio strategies alters this relationship. For instance, the...
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We conduct an extensive empirical analysis of VIX derivative valuation models over the 2004-2007 bull market and the subsequent financial crisis. We show that existing models yield large distortions during the crisis because of their restrictive volatility mean reverting assumptions. We propose...
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We develop methods for testing the hypothesis that an econometric model is undeerindentified and inferring the nature of the failed identification. By adopting a generalized-method-of moments perspective, we feature directly the structural relations and we allow for nonlinearity in the...
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We show that the distribution of any portfolio whose components jointly follow a location-scale mixture of normals can be characterised solely by its mean, variance and skewness. Under this distributional assumption, we derive the mean-varianceskewness frontier in closed form, and show that it...
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We analyse the asymptotic properties of mean-variance efficiency tests based on generalised methods of moments, and parametric and semiparametric likelihood procedures that assume elliptical innovations. We study the trade-off between efficiency and robustness, and prove that the fully...
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We derive specification tests for the null hypotheses of multivariate normal and Student t innovations using the Generalised Hyperbolic distribution as our alternative hypothesis. In both cases, we decompose the corresponding Lagrange Multiplier-type tests into skewness and kurtosis components,...
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We show that the distribution of any portfolio whose components jointly follow a location-scale mixture of normals can be characterised solely by its mean, variance and skewness. Under this distributional assumption, we derive the mean-variance-skewness frontier in closed form, and show that it...
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We analyse the asymptotic properties of mean-variance efficiency tests based on generalised methods of moments, and parametric and semiparametric likelihood procedures that assume elliptical innovations. We study the trade-off between efficiency and robustness, and prove that the parametric...
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