Showing 71 - 80 of 3,023
The transformation of the energy system causes increasing stress on distribution grid components. However, ´rexible EV charging, if incentivized adequately, can help mitigate this impact by reducing peaks in loads and feed-in. A comprehensive regional analysis is necessary to understand the...
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Adopting electric vehicles (EVs) and implementing variable electricity tariffs increase peak demand and the risk of congestion in distribution grids. To avert critical grid situations and sidestep expensive grid expansions, Distribution System Operators (DSOs) must have intervention rights,...
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Discrete choice experiments have emerged as the state-of-the-art method for measuring preferences, but they are mostly used in cross-sectional studies. In seeking to make them applicable for longitudinal studies, our study addresses two common challenges: working with different respondents and...
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Over the past few years, many public transport companies have launched pilot projects testing the operation of electric buses. The basic objective of these projects is to substitute diesel buses with electric buses within the companies’ daily operations. Despite an extensive media coverage,...
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Politik, Medien, Fahrzeugbauer und Energieunternehmen widmen der Elektromobilität derzeit große Aufmerksamkeit. Dieser Artikel beleuchtet technische Aspekte, Chancen und Barrieren elektrischer Fahrzeugantriebe und ordnet sie in einen Gesamtzusammenhang ein. Vorteile gegenüber klassischen...
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We analyze future scenarios of integrating electric vehicles (EV) into the German power system, drawing on different assumptions on the charging mode. We use a numerical dispatch model with a unit-commitment formulation which minimizes dispatch costs over a full year. While the overall energy...
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Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) combine electric propulsion with an internal combustion engine. Their potential to reduce transport related green-house gas emissions highly depends on their actual usage and electricity provision. Various studies underline their environmental and economic...
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Die Bundesregierung plant eine deutlich stärkere Nutzung elektrischer Antriebe im Straßenverkehr. Welche Auswirkungen hätte dies auf das Stromsystem und den CO2-Ausstoß in Deutschland? Dieser Frage wurde in einem europäischen Forschungsprojekt im Rahmen unterschiedlicher Szenarien bis zum...
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The German government plans to significantly increase the deployment of electric vehicles. What impact would this have on the country's power system and carbon emissions? This question was addressed as part of a European research project analyzing various scenarios up to 2030. One of the key...
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This paper analyses the impact of the introduction of electromobility in Austria, focusing specifically on the potential demand for electric vehicles in the automotive market. We estimate discrete choice behavioral mixture models considering latent variables; these allows us to deal with this...
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