Showing 81 - 90 of 145,919
price impact as measured by the volatility of price innovations …
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volatility to generate execution price risk and relative latency costs. Analysis of the behavior of quote setters suggests that … this volatility is more likely to arise from recurrent cycles of undercutting similar to the Edgeworth cycles found in …
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Trading [HFT] activity and price volatility. In the ultra-high frequency intervals around HFT there is a slight increase in … volatility. This paper also confirms that large high frequency traders make consistently profitable trades intra-day, but their …
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Listed companies and institutional investors have called on market regulators to introduce mechanisms to curb high-frequency (HF) trading in financial markets. In this paper we suggest relative tick size is one such mechanism. We investigate for a non-fragmented market two HF trading proxies:...
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This paper examines every NASDAQ ITCH feed message for the S&P 500 stocks for 2012 and identifies clusters of extremely high and extremely low limit order cancellation activity. We find results consistent with the ideas that cancel clusters are the result of high frequency traders jockeying for...
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We examine the impact of higher frequency trading on the frequency and severity of suspected end of day price dislocation cases in 22 stock exchanges around the world over the period January 2003-June 2011. Controlling for country, market, legal and other differences across exchanges and over...
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This paper develops a model of the optimal strategies of high-frequency traders (HFTs) to rationalize their pinging activities. Pinging is defined as limit orders submitted inside the bid-ask spread that are cancelled shortly. The HFT in my model uses pinging to control his inventory or chase...
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Nel seguente lavoro si propone un'analisi dei sistemi di trading ad alta frequenza (Hft); il fenomeno ha avuto origine e si è sviluppato sul mercato azionario statunitense, ma, nel corso degli ultimi anni si sta progressivamente espandendo alla maggioranza delle asset class sui principali...
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