Showing 441 - 450 of 529
Changes in the political, economic and legal framework after reunification led to major structural changes in East German agriculture. Altered factor and product price relations, abolition of traditional channels of distribution and problems with liquidity forced existing farms to adjust their...
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This paper investigates the impact of speculation on prices of agricultural commodities. Recently, non-commercial traders are responsible for price peaks and increased volatility on agricultural markets. As a matter of fact, speculation with commodity futures has increased over the last decade....
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"Дискуссионные материалы" анализируют изменение эффективности и общей продуктивности факторов (англ. total factor productivity, TFP) крупных сельскохозяйственных...
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In this paper we price a precipitation option based on empirical weather data from Germany using different pricing methods, among them Burn Analysis, Index Value Simulation and Daily Simulation. For that purpose we develop a daily precipitation model. Moreover, a decorrelation analysis is...
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Der Beitrag untersucht den Einfluss von Spekulation mit Terminkontrakten auf die Preise von Agrarrohstoffen. Konkret wird der öffentlich diskutierte Vorwurf aufgegriffen, Spekulation sei für den Preisanstieg und die Preisschwankungen auf Agrarmärkten mit verantwortlich und trage so zur...
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