Showing 61 - 70 of 81
O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar o desempenho dos países da América Latina e do Sul-Sudeste da Ásia nas últimas três décadas com relação à intensidade tecnológica das suas exportações. Nesse período, as exportações desses países asiáticos cresceram a uma velocidade bem...
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O artigo indaga se a criação do Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul) resultou, de alguma forma, em aumento da intensidade tecnológica média das exportações dos seus países e se o eventual aumento da intensidade tecnológica contribuiu para elevar as exportações. Para isso, foi utilizado um...
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Basicamente, os determinantes dos investimentos diretos externos (IDE) podem serrelativos às firmas e a características dos países de origem ? push factors ? ou afatores locacionais ? pull factors. A maior parte da literatura teórica relativa aempresas multinacionais nos últimos 40 anos,...
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The literature on regional trade agreements points out two main effects: trade criation and trade diversion. While the former refers to the substitution of less efficient producers for more efficient ones due to the global protection, the latter captures the substitution of the more efficient...
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Basically, foreign direct investments (FDI) determinants may be referred to firms and country characteristics - push factors - or to locational factors - pull factors. Most of theoretical literature relative to multinational enterprises in the last forty years, has emphasized firms advantages,...
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The purpose of this paper is to compare two recent periods of Brazilian history - the decades of 1970 and 1990 - when foreign direct investments grew above the average of the second half of the XX century. More specifically, it tries to answer two questions. First, which have been the...
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This paper compares the technological intensity of Latin American and South-Southeast exports in the last three decades. In this period exports from Asian countries increased at a much higher speed than the one observed in Latin American countries. The main reason was the higher and increasing...
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The purpose of this paper is to evaluate to which degree China is climbing up the technology ladder and increasing its domestic content in high tech industry. More specifically, we will assess whether China has increased its share in world trade of high tech goods and, at the same time,...
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The paper analyses the development strategy adopted In China after 1978. It is shown that it has not followed a pre-determined plan but, on the contrary has emerged as a result of political shocks in the core of the CCP and of other factors related to history and geography
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Nas últimas décadas, um dos principais motores do crescimento do comércio exterior tem sido, sem dúvida, a inovação, entendida como a incorporação de conhecimento a produtos e processos produtivos. O objetivo deste Texto para Discussão é fornecer evidências de que a inovação...
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