Showing 101 - 110 of 19,429
This paper considers identification of treatment effects on conditional transition probabilities. We show that even under random assignment only the instantaneous average treatment effect is point identified. Because treated and control units drop out at different rates, randomization only...
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This paper puts forward an alternative semiparametric regression approach to a nonlinear ACD modeling. The semiparametric functional form of the dependence of the conditional intensity on past durations suggests that the model be called the Semiparametric ACD (SEMI-ACD) model. The development of...
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This paper introduces an alternative testing procedure to test the distribution of the error term in the Autoregressive Conditional Duration (ACD) class of models. In these models, the error term is normally interpreted as the standardized duration by which its probability distribution may have...
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In their IZA Discussion Paper 10247, Johansson and Lee claim that the main result (Proposition 3) in Abbring and Van den Berg (2003b) does not hold. We show that their claim is incorrect. At a certain point within their line of reasoning, they make a rather basic error while transforming one...
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We examine a new general class of hazard rate models for survival data, containing a parametric and a nonparametric component. Both can be a mix of a time effect and (possibly time-dependent) marker or covariate effects. A number of well-known models are special cases. In a counting process...
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In this paper, we develop a fully nonparametric approach for the estimation of the cumulative incidence function with Missing At Random right-censored competing risks data. We obtain results on the pointwise asymptotic normality as well as the uniform convergence rate of the proposed...
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Using data from the first fourteen waves of the British Household Panel Survey, we estimate a discrete duration model of interregional migration in Great Britain. By exploiting retrospective information on residency we control for late entry as well as unobserved heterogeneity. We find...
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Often, the moment of a treatment and the moment at which the outcome of interest occurs are realizations of stochastic processes with dependent unobserved determinants. Notably, both treatment and outcome are characterized by the moment they occur. In this paper, we compare different methods of...
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Often, a treatment and the outcome of interest are characterized by the moment they occur, and these moments are realizations of stochastic processes with dependent unobserved determinants. We develop a simple and intuitive method for inference on the treatment effect. The method can be...
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H. Theil has made important contributions to the analysis of simultaneous-equations models. This paper gives an exposition of some closely related recent developments in microeconometrics, with a focus on efforts to develop robust methods for dynamic policy evaluation. We set the stage with a...
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