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The objective of this paper is to develop a methodology to calculate expected credit loss (ECL) using a transparent-modularised approach utilising three components: probability of default (PD), loss given default (LGD) and exposure at default (EAD). The proposed methodology is described by first...
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Survival analysis is one of the techniques that could be used to predict loss given default (LGD) for regulatory capital (Basel) purposes. When using survival analysis to model LGD, a proposed methodology is the default weighted survival analysis (DWSA) method. This paper is aimed at adapting...
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Survival analysis is one of the techniques that could be used to predict loss given default (LGD) for regulatory capital (Basel) purposes. When using survival analysis to model LGD, a proposed methodology is the default weighted survival analysis (DWSA) method. This paper is aimed at adapting...
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A new methodology to derive IFRS 9 PiT PDs is proposed. The methodology first derives a PiT term structure with accompanying segmented term structures. Secondly, the calibration of credit scores using the Lorenz curve approach is used to create account-specific PD term structures. The PiT term...
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In recent years investment products have become more complex by providing investorswith various guarantees and bonus options. This increase in complexity hasprovided an impetus for the investigation into integrated asset and liability managementframeworks that could realistically address dynamic...
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The International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 9 relates to the recognition of an entity’s financial asset/liability in its financial statement, and includes an expected credit loss (ECL) framework for recognising impairment. The quantification of ECL is often broken down into its three...
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The key criteria for making business decisions is profit, so when making credit limit-setting strategy decisions, profitability will be the most important driver. The profitability of a credit limit-setting strategy is dependent on the customer's utilisation of the limits set by the strategy....
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