Showing 101,711 - 101,720 of 102,693
Stock returns are often modeled as having infinite second or fourth moments with consequences for test statistics which have not yet been fully explored. Conclusions on the existence of moments are usually drawn from a generalized Pareto or simple Pareto tail index estimate. In a recent study...
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Voting and non-voting shares of ten German companies are analyzed for fractional cointegration. It turns out that seven pairs of price series are fractionally cointegrated, which means that for each pair there is a linear combination of the two series that is a long-memory process. If two stocks...
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We analyze a general business tax in an uncertain economy. Our tax system allows for a time-dependent tax rate and to this end we incorporate a generalized allowance for corporate equity (ACE). The generalized allowance is given by a fraction of the product of interest rate and book value of the...
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When stock or bond prices drop sharply we are told that the nation''s wealth has fallen. Some commentators go beyond such a vague statement and calculate how many billions of dollars of wealth have been wiped out by multiplying the percentage change in stock prices or bond prices by the previous...
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Standard fixed symmetric kernel type density estimators are known to encounter problems for positive random variables with a large probability mass close to zero. We show that in such settings, alternatives of asymmetric gamma kernel estimators are superior but also differ in asymptotic and...
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A notable feature of the Japanese economy in the last two decades is the large fluctuations in asset prices. We examine whether they can by accounted for by a stochastic growth model with habit persistence and costly capital adjustment. For the real estate price, people’s expectations on the...
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Nach dem Vorbild börsennotierter britischer Vereine wird es auch deutschen Profifußballvereinen in absehbarer Zukunft möglich sein, sich in Aktiengesellschaften umzuwandeln. Der anschließende Börsengang soll dann den nach den jüngsten Entwicklungen im Profifußballbereich gestiegenen...
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Realized capital gains are typically disregarded in the study of income inequality. We show that in the case of Sweden this severely underestimates the actual increase in inequality and, in particular, top income shares during recent decades. Using micro panel data to average incomes over longer...
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This study investigates volatility spillovers between two stock markets, Turkish and Brazilian, located in different regions of the world. Using a misspecification robust causality-in-variance test, we found strong evidence supporting volatility spillovers from Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) to...
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We explore the implications of shocks to expected future productivity in a setting with limited enforcement of financial contracts. As in Lorenzoni andWalentin (2007) optimal financial contracts under limited enforcement imply that to obtain external finance firms have to post collateral in...
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