Showing 91 - 100 of 565
Житнице Востока, а именно России, Украине и Казахстану, обладающим громадным земельным и урожайным потенциалом, приписывается все большее значение для мировых...
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Because of its enormous land and yield potentials, the breadbasket of the East, i.e. Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are increasingly important for world grain markets. However, counterproductive market and trade policies, continual farm-level productivity gaps and deficits in marketing...
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Using rural household panel data from three Chinese provinces, this paper identifies determinants of long-term poverty and tests the duration dependence on the probability to leave poverty. Special emphasis is given to the selection of the poverty line and inter-regional differences across...
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Agriculture plays an important role for Kazakhstan not only because of rural employment, but also because of the diversity it brings to its oil dependent economy. A considerable increase in grain exports was achieved during the recent years, however, there still is a large room for increasing...
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Fehlsichtigkeit ist in China unter Kindern aus ländlichen Räumen weit verbreitet. Mehr als 20 Prozent dieser Kinder, die noch in Dörfern leben oder mit ihren Eltern vom Land in die Stadt abgewandert sind, leiden an Kurzsichtigkeit. Eine augenheilkundliche Behandlung erfolgt oft nicht. Seit...
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C 1-го февраля 2015 г. экспорт пшеницы из России облагается дополнительным налогом с целью сократить объемы вывозимой за рубеж продукции. Это предпринято в рамках...
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The goal of this study is to assess the dynamics of rural households' labor market participation in the wake of China's efforts to develop rural labor markets in a manner that is conducive to its transition to a market economy. Based on a theoretical model that emphasizes the impact of duration,...
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Agricultural production is spread all over Turkey and the considerably different climatic and topographical conditions among the provinces lead to highly diversified agricultural production. Therefore, is it reasonable to assume an integrated market all over Turkey? The authors analyze spatial...
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This article provides an introduction to the special feature on agriculture-related issues in the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) contained in this issue of Journal of Agricultural Economics. The special feature is motivated by the increased interest which these...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt empirische Ergebnisse zur Analyse von Marktverhalten der russischen Exporteure auf den internationalen Märkten für Düngemittel vor. Der Fokus auf Russland begründet sich darin, dass das Land beim Einsturz des Kali-Kartells stark im Rampenlicht stand. Bei zwei...
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