Showing 91 - 100 of 52,565
There is growing agreement among parents in high-income countries that having a working mother does not harm a preschool child. Yet, research is ongoing on what the long-term effects on children are of being looked after at home (primarily by their mothers) or in childcare. Most studies find...
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This paper studies the intergenerational impact of parental job loss on school performance during the Great Recession in Spain. Collecting data through parental surveys in a school in the province of Barcelona, I obtain information about the parental labour market status before and after the...
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Wenn Eltern arbeitslos werden, hat das in mehrerlei Hinsicht Konsequenzen - nicht nur für sie selbst, sondern auch für ihr Umfeld. Dieser Bericht geht auf Basis von Daten des Soziooekonomischen Panels (SOEP) der Frage nach, welchen Einfluss die Arbeitslosigkeit von Eltern in der...
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We use the Pissarides (2000) model to show how social benefits and increased bargaining power of workers can both cause high unemployment and short hours of work. While his matching model has been used to explain higher unemployment in Europe than in the United States, we augment it to account...
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and employment, generates a fractionalized understanding of the multidimensional career effect that union membership has …
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We study how changes in labor market regulation may trigger firm adjustments in skill demand. Leveraging rich administrative data from Italy, we investigate the effects of a reform that reduced firing costs for permanent employees and tightened temporary contracts' regulation to increase job...
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We design and field an innovative survey of unemployment insurance (UI) recipients that yields new insights about wage stickiness on the layoff margin. Most UI recipients express a willingness to accept wage cuts of 5-10 percent to save their jobs, and one third would accept a 25 percent cut....
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We examine the impact of local labor market shocks and state unemployment insurance (UI) policies on student discipline in U.S. public schools. Analyzing school-level discipline data and firm-level layoffs in 23 states, we find that layoffs have little effect on discipline rates overall....
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and employment, generates a fractionalized understanding of the multidimensional career effect that union membership has …
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