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Denmark and show that gender differences regarding commuting play an important role in explaining this. We offer 3 pieces of … evidence. First, the gender pay and commuting gaps come into existence at the same moment: when the first child is born. Second …, wage compensation for commuting is lower for women after the birth compared to men: about 3 − 4 percentage points of the …
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Commuting is a significant aspect of workers' daily routines and is associated with various negative outcomes …. Traditional literature often models commuting from an urban perspective, focusing on the trade-off between commuting and housing … of couples' commuting, wages, labor supply, and consumption. Using data from the PSID for the years 2011-2019, results …
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prices. Using a panel of bilateral commuting flows, I estimate a quantitative spatial general equilibrium model to quantify … the welfare benefits of urban rail transit and distinguish the benefits of reduced commuting frictions from other channels …. The subway causes a 7%-13% increase in commuting between pairs of connected tracts; I select plausible control pairs using …
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market due to commuting, which, in turn, affects fertility. The analytical model, decomposing spatial interaction of … fertility and commuting, is constructed on the base of a model of the demand for children, spatial stock-flow model, and a …
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We study migration and commuting among participants in labour market programmes and individuals in open unemployment … than the openly unemployed. In this case, this is due to the relatively higher probability of commuting that predominates … entity, we find interregional commuting to be relatively more important than migration as a means of geographical labour …
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