Showing 1 - 10 of 12
A koronavírus-járvány rövid időtartam alatt rendkívüli kihívások elé állította a gazdaságot és a társadalmat, ami sajátos megközelítést, újszerű, kreatív hozzáállást igényel a szervezetek vezetőitől. A tanulmány célja, hogy vezetéstudományi szakirodalmak alapján...
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Az elmúlt három évben a világ működése annyit változott, mint a megelőző évtizedekben összesen. A piaci folyamatok, rendszerek megváltozását egyértelműen két meghatározó jelenség irányította: a COVID-19 okozta pandémiás válság és az orosz-ukrán konfliktus. E két...
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The current paper is the second part of the study "Characteristics of Crisis Management Measures in the HR Area During the Pandemic in Hungary – Literature Review and Methodology". Based on two waves of a questionnaire survey conducted during the first and second waves of the COVID-19...
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In the present research we deal with the questions of what responses, solutions, and practices Hungarian organisations used to mitigate the impact of the pandemic and the changes caused by it, with particular attention to the area of Human Resource Management. Do they typically view the current...
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Over recent decades, the practice of human resource management in the transitional countries of Eastern Europe and in Hungary has changed significantly. Especially in local subsidiaries of foreign-owned companies and in the leading domestic large organizations, HRM has become a strategic...
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Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Regional aspects of Industry 4.0 -- Chapter 3. Measures of regional Industry 4.0 + readiness -- Chapter 4. Evaluation of regional I4.0 readiness - data analysis and composite indicator development -- Chapter 5. Summary.
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There are various governmental policies aimed at reducing the dependence on fossil fuels for space heating and the reduction in its associated emission of greenhouse gases. DHNs (District heating networks) could provide an efficient method for house and space heating by utilizing residual...
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This paper proposes a direct adaptive fuzzy-model-based control algorithm. The controller is based on an inverse semi-linguistic fuzzy process model, identified and adapted via input-matching technique. For the adaptation of the fuzzy model a general learning rule has been developed employing...
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