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This paper studies the direct impact of households' debt on consumption over the business cycle. We use household … leverage, consumption, and asset prices. We find that debt levels exert a negative impact on consumption, which is particularly …' debt in past periods are not relevant in determining consumption; (ii) households adjust faster their consumption to debt …
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between household debt levels, financial stability risks, and the ongoing implications of the ‘debt overhang’ for economic … growth. However, accurately measuring the household debt burden remains problematic. Aggregate measures of household … indebtedness (e.?g. household liabilities relative to income) fail to fully capture the debt servicing burdens of households …
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This study analyzes the effect of individual finances (specifically creditworthiness and severely delinquent debt) on … is utilized in an instrumental variables design. The possibility of the reverse causality of bad health causing debt and … 2005 residence. Worsening creditworthiness and increases in severely delinquent debt are found to lead to increases in …
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the politically charged claims being that the high interest rates on payday loans trap consumers in a “cycle of debt.” We … on payday loans are not the cause of a “cycle of debt.” …
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Using detailed micro data, we document that households often use "stimulus" checks to pay down debt, especially those … otherwise standard incomplete markets model. Because interest rates rise with debt, borrowers have increasingly larger … incentives to use an additional dollar to reduce debt service payments rather than consume. Using our calibrated model, we then …
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Using detailed micro data, we document that households often use “stimulus” checks to pay down debt, especially those … otherwise standard incomplete markets model. Because interest rates rise with debt, borrowers have increasingly larger … incentives to use an additional dollar to reduce debt service payments rather than consume. Using our calibrated model, we then …
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Using detailed micro data, we document that households often use "stimulus" checks to pay down debt, especially those … otherwise standard incomplete markets model. Because interest rates rise with debt, borrowers have increasingly larger … incentives to use an additional dollar to reduce debt service payments rather than consume. Using our calibrated model, we then …
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Using detailed micro data, we document that households often use "stimulus" checks to pay down debt, especially those … otherwise standard incomplete markets model. Because interest rates rise with debt, borrowers have increasingly larger … incentives to use an additional dollar to reduce debt service payments rather than consume. Using our calibrated model, we then …
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debt holdings of individuals in the medium-run using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997. To identify …Both student loans and household debt are at their peaks. This paper investigates how student loans causally impact … the causal effect of student loans on future debt holdings, I instrument the amount of student loan debt with eligibility …
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