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Considering poverty as a phenomenon that limits the capability of people development in all its dimensions, this work presents a multidimensional study based on the methodology of Alkire and Foster (2011). Its application to Spain, using Living Conditions Survey (ECV2008-ECV2015), generates new...
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The aim of this work is to analyse the effects that the current economic crisis is producing on the Galician income distribution. We use three key variables: i) household disposable income, ii) household disposable income excluding the provision by unemployment, to measure the effect of such...
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The aim objective of this paper is to study the relationship between inequality and economic level for the EU-15 and member countries, as well as the evolution of both phenomena in period 1994-2001. Our variable is the disposable household income applying purchasing power parities and...
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É de especial relevancia para unha sociedade, e máis a raíz da crise económica na que están sumidas as sociedades española e portuguesa, coñecer cales son os colectivos máis débiles ou vulnerables ante a mesma. Un dos colectivos que máis protección necesita é o dos máis novos...
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