Showing 11 - 20 of 991
Artículo de revista ; The use of artificial intelligence tools has escalated recently in all sectors of the economy owing, among other factors, to the growing volume of digital data and higher computational capacity. Major benefits may be reaped from applying these tools to the provision of...
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Artículo de revista ; This paper considers the financial stability risks caused by BigTech’s entry into retail banking and discusses alternative policy responses aimed at allaying those concerns. The entry of BigTech platforms may transform the retail banking industry in radical ways: while...
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Artículo de revista ; This paper considers the financial stability risks caused by BigTech’s entry into retail banking and discusses alternative policy responses aimed at allaying those concerns. The entry of BigTech platforms may transform the retail banking industry in radical ways: while...
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Artículo de revista ; Financial market statistics are a key source of information for central banks to perform their duties. It is therefore critical that, over time, the quality of the statistics remains high and that they are sufficiently complete. Changes in the financial sector, such as...
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Los sistemas de información desempeñan un papel esencial en el funcionamiento de las entidades financieras. Si bien estos sistemas sustentan los servicios de las entidades y facilitan sus estrategias, sus vulnerabilidades subyacentes podrían constituir una importante fuente de riesgo, el...
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Information systems play a critical role in the functioning of financial institutions. While supporting their services and enabling their strategies, underlying vulnerabilities could pose an important source of risk: cyber risk. This may impair financial institutions’ operational capabilities...
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Climate change and its management and mitigation are unquestionably among the main risks facing our society in the coming decades. The financial sector plays a key role in this challenge, firstly because of its exposure and the consequent capital shocks if this risk crystallises, and secondly...
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Artículo de revista ; Los avances en las nuevas tecnologías suponen una oportunidad de acceso y uso de los servicios financieros para millones de personas que permanecen excluidas financieramente a escala mundial. En este artículo se señalan las principales ventajas que la innovación...
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Artículo de revista ; Banks have always managed to make the most of technology to improve their efficiency and the service provided to their customers, but they now face a new wave of innovation with much wider implications for financial services. Despite the acknowledged benefits, developments...
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Artículo de revista ; This article surveys the recent changes in and outlook for wholesale and retail payments in Europe and the US. We document a convergence in payments institutions and patterns of use, although differences in retail usage remain. An overarching theme of our survey is the...
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