Showing 121 - 130 of 380
In den letzten Monaten stand das deutsche »Exportmodell« in der Kritik. Die deutschen Überschüsse seien mitverantwortlich für die Defizite der Nachbarländer und schaden den Handelspartnern. Ist diese Einschätzung gerechtfertigt? Für Gabriel Felbermayr, Universität Hohenheim, entbehren...
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Angesichts der ungelösten Schuldenkrise in Europa geht Harm Bandholz, UniCredit Bank, New York, davon aus, dass die Investoren weiterhin auf Altbewährtes setzen und ihr Vertrauen in US-Staatsanleihen behalten müssen. Für Michael Menhart, Munich RE, bleiben Zweifel an der langfristigen...
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Legal conflicts between multinational firms and host governments are often decided by international arbitration panels known as Investor State Dispute Settlements (ISDS). Critics fear that ISDS favors multinational firms, and make s governments reluctant to adopt appropriate policies (regulatory...
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We study a fiscal policy model in which the government is present-biased, leading to an excessive public deficit. An optimally designed fiscal rule needs to trade off the benefit of committing the government to not overspend against the benefit of granting it flexibility to react to shocks to...
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In this paper, we analyze politicians' expectations about future compliance with a fiscal rule, and in particular the dependence of the expectations on their role in parliament (opposition vs. incumbent government coalition). In addition, we explore how opposition and incumbent politicians...
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Mobility of high-income individuals across borders puts pressure on governments to lower taxes. A central tenet of the corresponding textbook argument is that mobile individuals react to tax differentials through migration, and in turn immobile individuals vote for lower taxes. We investigate to...
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In this paper a model of taxation of foreign source corporate income is developed, when the output market is not competitive. Profit shifting policies, similar to those in the new trade literature, are also present in the case of foreign direct investment (FDI). There are, however, important...
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Die Coronavirus-Pandemie stellt die Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Deutschland mittel- und langfristig vor neuartige Herausforderungen und hat bereits zuvor bestehenden Handlungsbedarf verstärkt. Die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina analysiert in der heute veröffentlichten...
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Under extraterritorial sanctions the sanctioning country extends its policies to trade of third countries with the sanctioned country. A prominent example is former US President Trump's decision to leave the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a multilateral agreement with Iran. The...
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The OECD's proposal for a global minimum tax (GMT) of 15% aims for a reversal of a decades-long race to the bottom of corporate tax rates driven by competition over real investments and profit shifting to low-tax jurisdictions. We study the revenue effects of the GMT by focusing on the induced...
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