Showing 121 - 130 of 28,332
Im Zuge der Krise hat sich Zypern vom südeuropäischen Erfolgsmodell zum Schuldenstaat entwickelt. Die Autoren analysieren, wie es dazu kommen konnte und welche Möglichkeiten Zypern bleiben, um den wirtschaftlichen Niedergang zu stoppen und auf einen Wachstumspfad zurückzukehren.
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This paper shows that bank linkages have a positive effect on international trade. A global banking network (GBN) is constructed at the bank level, using individual syndicated loan data from Loan Analytics for 1990-2007. Network distance between bank pairs is computed and aggregated to country...
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In response to the European sovereign debt and currency crisis, the EU has begun to implement measures toward fiscal solidarity at least for the euro area. Survey data from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study show that just under half of all adults in Germany generally support providing...
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Als Reaktion auf die europäische Staatsschulden- und Währungskrise hat die EU zumindest für die Eurozone den Weg in Richtung einer fiskalischen Solidargemeinschaft eingeschlagen. Befragungsdaten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) zeigen, dass knapp die Hälfte aller Erwachsenen in...
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This paper examines two competing approaches for calculating current account benchmarks, i.e. the external sustainability approach á la Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (LM) versus the structural current accounts literature (SCA) based on panel econometric techniques. The aim is to gauge the medium...
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This paper investigates and tests the role of regional exposures in financial contagion from advanced to emerging market economies through the global banking network using data on cross-border bilateral bank claims and liability positions. We first examine whether an economy can become more...
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We synthetically assess the three major transmission channels of international business cycles: bilateral trade, foreign direct investment (FDI), and portfolio investment flows between economies with multiple fixed effects. Using the data of 72 economies during 2010-2019, we find that real and...
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The European Union (EU) has traditionally been an important economic partner for Asia. In addition to absorbing a significant share of the region's exports, the EU has been a major source of foreign direct investment and other capital flows into the region. In light of such close economic...
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On February 12, 2010, SUERF, the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and the Bankwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft continued their established tradition of jointly organised conferences. As evidenced also by the 115 conference participants, this year's subject of "Contagion and Spillovers – New...
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