Showing 111 - 115 of 115
This paper considers a semiparametric threshold regression model with two threshold variables,extending Chen et al. (2012) and Kourtellos et al. (2021). The proposed model allows the endogeneity for both threshold variables and the slope regressors. Under the diminishing thresholdeffects...
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This paper develops an innovative way of estimating a functional-coefficient spatial autoregressive panel data model with unobserved individual effects which can accommodate (multiple) time-invariant regressors in the model with a large number of cross-sectional units and a fixed number of time...
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This paper considers a flexible semiparametric spatial autoregressive (mixed-regressive) model in which unknown coefficients are permitted to be nonparametric functions of some contextual variables to allow for potential nonlinearities and parameter heterogeneity in the spatial relationship....
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This paper considers a flexible panel data sample selection model in which (i) the outcome equation is permitted to take a semiparametric, varying coefficient form to capture potential parameter heterogeneity in the relationship of interest, (ii) both the outcome and (parametric) selection...
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