Showing 31 - 40 of 31,364
Valuing a change in the risk of death is a key input into the calculation of the benefits of environmental policies that save lives. Typically such risks are monetized using the Value of a Statistical Life (VSL). Because the majority of the lives saved by environmental policies are those of...
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As the use of cost-effectiveness analysis with quality adjusted life years (QALY) as the outcome measure grows in policy use, a major unresolved issue is that of the monetary value to place on a QALY. This paper addresses this issue by estimating and discussing willingness to pay (WTP) estimates...
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Using a contingent valuation survey, people’s willingness to pay for a given risk reduction is found to be much larger when traveling by air compared to by taxi. Follow-up questions revealed that an important reason for this discrepancy is that many experience a higher mental suffering from...
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Der Value of a Statistical Life (VSL) stellt ein Konzept zur monetaeren Bewertung von Todesrisiken wie etwa der Feinstaubkonzentration im Rahmen von wohlfahrtsoekonomischen Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen dar. Die mikrooekonomischen, methodologischen, erkenntnistheoretischen und normativen Fragen, die...
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Background: Economic evaluation of policies regarding out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is important and we estimate the value of a statistical life (VSL) for OHCA victims. Method: Responses to a national Swedish mail survey in 2007, based on the stated-preference technique (contingent...
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Valuing a change in the risk of death is a key input into the calculation of the benefits of environmental policies that save lives. Typically such risks are monetized using the Value of a Statistical Life (VSL). Because the majority of the lives saved by environmental policies are those of...
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The value of a statistical life (VSL) is a very controversial topic, but one which is essential to the optimization of governmental decisions. Indeed, our society faces any number of risks (health, transportation, work, etc.) and, as resources are limited, their complete elimination is...
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We report the results of a contingent valuation study of the value of a serious statistical accident (VSSA) in an urban road safety context in Sweden. To account for scale bias of responses (i.e., the insensitivity of the willingness-to-pay value to the size of the risk reduction being valued)...
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A number of stated preferences studies have quantified the value of gains in life expectancy from pollution control and use a Value of a Life Year (VOLY) approach to calculate the value placed on avoiding premature mortality following exposure to such pollution. However, life expectancy gains...
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For the assessment of value of new therapies in healthcare, Health Technology Assessment (HTA) agencies often review the cost per Quality-Adjusted Life-Years (QALY) gained. Some HTAs accept a higher cost per QALY gained when treatment is aimed at prolonging survival for patients with a short...
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