Showing 61 - 69 of 69
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Fluctuations in commodity prices are an important driver of business cycles in small emerging market economies (EMEs). We document how these fluctuations correlate strongly with the business cycle in EMEs. We then embed a commodity sector into a multi-country EMEs' business cycle model where...
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Amid total factor productivity (TFP) shocks job-to-job flows amplify the volatility ofunemployment, but the aggregate implications of job-to-job flows amid financial shocks are lessunderstood. To develop such understanding we model a general equilibrium labor-searchframework that incorporates...
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Colombia, like other Emerging Market economies, is a small open and commodity exporter economy. The predominant type of the commodity exported has varied, from coffee in the past century to oil in the current one. Nonetheless the importance of the commodity exporting sectors for the Colombian...
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This article delves into how nonprofit institutions, specifically Business Interest Associations (BIAs), have undertaken their Internet appearance applying digital marketing techniques. For this purpose, and using big data tools, the presence and monitoring by Internet users of 102 BIAs, with...
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En este trabajo se describen algunos de los estándaresdel mercado de opciones sobre divisas y se analizanalgunos modelos que son utilizados para la obtenciónde precios. Particularmente se hace uso del modeloNGARCH para obtener precios de opciones sobre latasa de cambio USD/COP. A partir de...
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Among the most relevant elements contributing to define the One World One Health programme we find epidemics. The reason is that in recent decades, infectious diseases such as HIV/SIDA, SARS and Influenza have shown that we need new approaches and concepts in order to understand how biological...
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