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This paper presents how APEC has evolved as an institution, the changes it undergoes and the challenges it has faced for the past decades. More importantly, this paper tries to enumerate the roles of APEC in positioning the Philippines in the global economy. Established in 1989 in Canberra,...
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The RTAs with trade facilitation provisions have been expected to generate a larger net trade-creating effect and complement the discriminatory feature of RTAs but have yet to be empirically proven. Recognizing the limitations of existing studies, we conducted a quantitative analysis on the...
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This paper considers the APEC and proposed EGA agreements which grant tariff concession in favor of "green" goods. We .nd that the practical significance of the APEC agreement should not be overestimated as it involves modest tariff concessions over a subset of goods which are not heavily...
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Der Asiatisch-Pazifischen Wirtschaftskooperation (APEC) gehört der überwiegende Teil der Pazifikanrainerstaaten an. Darunter die ostasiatischen Tigerländer, Japan, die ASEAN-Staaten, die NAFTA-Staaten, Australien und Neuseeland. Die Teilnehmer der APEC haben sich zum Ziel gesetzt, bis zum...
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